Park Farm Fisheries

Park Farm Fisheries is situated in "The Rye" in the village of Eaton Bray, South Bedfordshire, not far from Dunstable and Leighton Buzzard, and only one mile from the A505 Leighton Buzzard bypass.

Facilities include Coarse Fishing, Bait Shop, Koi Carp and Ornamental Fish Sales, Stabling, Livery, Manege, and an Airfield.

The access road is located in "The Rye", just outside the 30mph limit, and is protected by a large sliding gate which will open during daytime hours as you drive your vehicle up to it.

Please click here to access our
Lakes Booking System

New fishing prices


Lakes closed 31st October to 31st March

** The Carp Lake is bookings only!!!!!! Booking is absolutely necessary to fish this lake! **

Payment for fishing will be taken on the bank or at the shop if it is within opening times.

The main gate to the farm will NOT open until 7am every day we are open, please do not arrive before this time.

RULES - some of which are revised!!

** Day ticket is from 7am until 7pm - all those fishing on a day ticket must leave the fishery by 7.30pm at the latest!! **

** Only people who are fishing are allowed on the fishery - no visitors, family, friends! **

** No small children are permitted onto the fishery! **

** Bag up and take any rubbish home **

** Keep all food and bait covered at all times as we have dogs **

** Maintain social distancing rules **

** Adhere to Park Farm Fishery rules **

Thank you!
The access road from The Rye crosses the airstrip adjacent to its windsock (please wait if the lights are flashing) and enters the farm complex near the stable yard. Follow the signs clockwise round the the buildings and into the car park, where you will find the ornamental fish and bait shop. Click on the map to see an enlargement in a new window

Contact James French on 01525 229140 or 07528 178357
or Peter French on 07802 717516
Fax 01525 229140
or just call in and view the facilities.
Park Farm, The Rye, Eaton Bray, Beds, LU6 2BQ

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